男人拼实力,肌肉才是王道 PREFACE
PART 01 不一样的减肥观念,不一样的瘦身方法 The New Idea about Fat Loss
PART 02 让身体热起来,用氧气加速脂肪燃烧 Warming-up and Aerobic Exercises for Fat Loss
PART 03 挺拔双肩,7招轻松搞定 Seven Effective Training to Shape the Shoulders Exercises for Fat Loss
PART 04 完美男人背,5招助你美梦成真 Five Effective Training to Shape the Back
PART 05 不可不学的6招,助你打造胸膛的“古铜铠甲” Six Effective Training to Shape the Chest
PART 06 重拾骄傲的钢铁手臂,轻松瘦臂11招 Eleven Effective Training to Shape the Arms
PART 07 让男人拥有“王”字腹肌,轻松练腹11招 Eleven Effective Training to Shape the Abdomen
PART 08 远离水桶腰,男人健腰必备5招 Five Effective Training to Shape the Waist
PART 09 速度与激情,下半身消脂10式 Ten Effective Training for Fat Loss of the Lower Body
PART 10 从今天起,享“瘦”每一天的精彩 Enjoying “Thinning” Life from Today
附录:明星应急瘦身秘笈——月度减肥计划 Appendix:Stars’ Tips to A Quick Fat Loss During One Month
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